Hallo Lemire, Sebastien:
> Just  2 cents, I love the idea of linking to Last.fm *if only* because of
> the artist pictures, and I hope that this would allow in the future to have
> an artist picture show up on every artist page on MB.

I don't see how we could implement this, because of:

> > On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 08:56:44PM +0200, Wieland Hoffmann wrote:
> > > * We all know last.fm identifies artists only by their name, which isn't
> > >   optimal at all. The question is: Do we want to link to last.fm's
> > >   artist pages even if they're about a totally different artist?
> > >
> > >   Take for example http://www.last.fm/music/John+Williams which lists 5
> > >   artists versus 13 on MusicBrainz. I'd like to create a relationship
> > >   only when the artist is at least mentioned on
> > >   the page on last.fm.


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