Hello Wieland,

On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 10:24:43AM +0200, Wieland Hoffmann wrote:
> > In all other cases, Last.fm links don't make much sense for me, because
> > either the information there is redundant (e.g. also available on
> > Wikipedia), or the links can be automatically inferred from the
> > MusicBrainz name, so manual linking isn't required.
> That are reasons for not linking to the BBC at all, you know?:-)

Hmm, actually it is quite similar to BBC: We normally only link to BBC
if the page provides additional information. It is more a checkbox "BBC
contains more information", because the link can be of course inferred

> > >   Another problem with artists credits are bands that changed their name
> > >   but I can't think of any band where this would cause the creation of
> > >   so many relationships that it's more than a minor annoyance.
> >
> > In case this redirect is not yet established, I think it is sufficient
> > to only link to the mew name. Of course if the old page contains better
> > information (biography, pictures, ...) than the new one, linking to both
> > is also ok.
> So, how do we measure the informational content of a page on last.fm?
> Some would argue linkin to the old name is alredy lots of information.

I guess this will always be a gray area. But I don't think a link to
Last.fm is necessary to store that information about the old name. We
can handle that natively in MusicBrainz also...

> > > * Artists with names in a non-latin script. People WILL try to add links
> > >   to lots of transcriptions.
> > 
> > Hmm, if both the romanized Last.fm page and the non-latin page contain
> > good/distinct information, I would allow both.
> "The" non-latin page?:-) You do realize that (for example) Tchaikovskys
> name is written differently in every major european language? With that
> in mind, the last point (localized versions of last.fm)becomes even more
> of a problem. It's probably the same for japanese artists.

With "the" non-latin name I meant the artist name in his native script,
so Cyrillic/Russian in this case I guess. But regarding this example, in
my opinion a link to Tchaikovsky's Last.fm page isn't necessary at all,
since it provides no additional information over Wikipedia/Allmusic.


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