2012/1/31 David Gasaway <d...@gasaway.org>

> On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 09:03, lorenz pressler <l...@gmx.at> wrote:
> > Am 30.01.2012, 17:04 Uhr, schrieb Marco Curti <mcu...@aliceposta.it>:
> >
> >> Maybe I've lost something, but I could not understand why we need
> >> composer at track/recording level, is not the one at work level the
> >> correct one?
> >>
> >> In my opinion composer(s) are related to works, performers to recordings
> >> and other credits (like producers, art designers,...) to releases or
> >> tracks in case of 'compilation' of recordings pre released in other
> >> releases.
> >>
> >> Tryng to have some form of 'normalized' composer or performer field at
> >> release (or track) level will lead for sure in truble, unless we agree
> >> to use them as a form of 'mnemonic' help to name the release (or track)
> >> itself, and in this case I think the better way is to use exactly the
> >> form producers printed on the cover.
> >
> >
> > i agree. why should i bother adding composer at work lvl if i can do it
> at
> > release lvl?
> Here is the practical problem I see with playing too much with track
> ACs.  If my plays start scrobbling as "Yo Yo Ma - Sonata for cello and
> piano, Op. 99" either because that's what's stored in ARTIST, or
> stored in MUSICBRAINZ_ARTISTID, or pulled in by last.fm through their
> data feed... Well, then I have a big issue with that.  Before we make
> a change like this I want to know that this scenario *will not
> happen*.
> --
> -:-:- David K. Gasaway
> -:-:- Email: d...@gasaway.org

I'm not sure anyone bothers w. entering tracklist ACs right now, so that
means tracklist AC = release AC. And my suggestion for Release Artist is
featured composer & performers.
So it really depends on the guideline for Tracklist ACs (unless you tag
with something else, but I'm assuming this now)
Probable outcome if we don't bother with entering tracklist ACs:
 Beethoven / Yo Yo Ma / Martha Argerich - Sonata for cello and piano, Op. 99
If we set tracklist ACs to always composer, well, then you get the composer.
You can't get only Yo Yo Ma unless someone thinks that he is the only
featured release artist (old recital-style maybe) + doesn't change the
default tracklist artist. (Or you tag from recording ACs and someone
skipped the piano player.)

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