On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 4:01 PM, David Gasaway <d...@gasaway.org> wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 13:58, symphonick <symphon...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Okay, but what's the sense of having them separate to begin with?
> This question was actually *supposed* to be deleted before I hit Send. :)
>> If you mean we should have composer + featured performers in both track &
>> recording ACs? It's duplication of data that's not (IMO) really needed. I
>> think performers in recording ACs is important, so we can browse
>> performances from works, now it's broken:
>> http://musicbrainz.org/recording/00bc2f83-64e2-40db-b700-a9a52f9fd108
> Fair enough, I see the issue with the recording list.  The meaning of
> "featured" at the recording level is unclear, but I suppose we could
> make it work.
>> Having composers in that list would mostly clutter up the view, if they're
>> not really useful for anything.
> In that particular view, perhaps not.  I don't see that as reason
> enough to exclude composers from recording ACs, however.
>> For track artists, I think I'd personally favor composer only. It's the
>> easiest to enter (second only to not entering anything at all), it looks
>> clean in the tracklist & works for tagging. For showing performer credits in
>> the UI, ARs work much better, so I don't know if it helps anyone to have
>> both composer & performers there?
> Agreed.  Are track ACs displayed anywhere but tracklists?

It seems that we're trying to shoehorn what we determine to be the
most important set of ARs into the AC field, and there isn't any clear

I'm surprised to discover that I barely care about the Artist Credits,
so long as I have complete ARs.  It feels like the AC is a legacy

Just a few months ago I was leaning towards changing the field from
composer to performers.  Now I'm not so sure.  All of the
relationships are already available in other fields; they even have a
check box marking a major or minor role.

I'm for a solution that is easy and works well for applications that
worry about the AC field.  Do we leave the vestigial field as it has
been, leaving the divide between classical and popular contemporary
works, or do we merge the vestigal field so it is the same across all


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