On 4 April 2012 16:15, Per Øyvind Øygard <per...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 3 April 2012 22:15, Kuno Woudt <k...@frob.nl> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> On 02/04/12 17:23, Andii Hughes wrote:
>>> Where I think things get fuzzy is if you have a title X on an album,
>>> but a compilation lists "X (album version)" (i.e. there is not
>>> cross-release agreement).  Here I think "(album version)" is
>>> superfluous as its the 'standard' version.  Thus I would expect the
>>> title to be X with no disambiguation.
>> But if there is a track labeled (album version), often there will
>> also be a non-album version of that recording.  In such a situation
>> you obviously want e.g. "album version" and "radio edit" to be in
>> the disambig comments of the recordings to disambiguate these two
>> recordings.
>> So, I expect putting "album version" in the disambig comments is
>> reasonably common.  I personally wouldn't object to doing that
>> even if the radio edit which necessitates a disambig comment on
>> the album version is not in the musicbrainz database yet or even
>> if it doesn't exist at all.
> Personally I would argue that the absence of disambiguation implies
> album version, it certainly is how 99% of our data is and how most
> singles I've seen deal with it.

I don't have a strong opinion either way on this.  I think in most cases
it can be implied, but there's certainly no harm in having it in the
field.  It would look odd having it as ETI, so I would object to that.

> As for other ETI I'd say if it's named put it in recording title, if
> not, in disambiguation. I view 'radio/single edit' as disambiguation
> information, and not part of the recording title. If this causes
> problems for taggers then I'd argue that they should be using track
> titles, not recording titles. I realize this isn't currently possible,
> but that's a ws issue.

Strongly disagree.  You seem to be making a rather dubious argument about
something being 'named' (not sure exactly what that means).  How exactly
is someone noting a track as "radio edit" any less valid a name?

Track titles are not a solution.  It brings a whole host of other problems, and
there's no even any guarantee that the track listing of a particular release
will have the most complete information.  Recordings I see as an amalgamation
of the information available on a track, and some of this may not be present
on a single track listing for whatever reason.

> --
> Per / Wizzcat
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Andii :-)

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