
On 06/29/2012 05:52 PM, practik wrote:
> jesus2099 wrote
>> NEED as they contain each track times, like on Audio CDs.
>> See discussion in http://tickets.musicbrainz.org/browse/MBS-2416
>> +1
> Is there any difference between VCD menu tracks etc. and [silence] tracks in
> terms of "actual content"?  I don't see any.

Video releases may have content unrelated to the content the artist 
would consider part of their work.  Copyright warnings, menu loops, 
intro videos from the publisher, etc..  Perhaps the intro movies can be 
considered part of the tracklist, but copyright warnings and menu loops 
do not seem interesting enough to me to include in the tracklist on 
musicbrainz.  They wouldn't be listed on the backcover tracklist either.
As, such, for both Video CDs and DVDs I don't think we should 
necessarily list all tracks/titles/chapters.

-- kuno / warp.

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