On Tue, Mar 05, 2013 at 10:40:18AM +0100, Frederic Da Vitoria wrote:
> Hello,
> This may be too complicated, but what about using begin and end dates for
> areas? And for all relations to the Areas? Here is what I am thinking about:

Areas have begin and end dates. They're full entities, like any other.

ARs, of course, always have dates.

So most of the bit I've excluded here of your email is already well-covered :)

> foundation and
> dissolution for groups (I first thought that Foundation should behave like
> Birth (only one per Artist), then I thought that groups could be founded,
> then disbanded, then reunited and so on).

This is a separate ticket, about multiple begin/end dates; after the addition 
of locations, it will presumably need to be updated to multiple begin/end dates 
+ multiple begin/end locations.

> About migrating current data: how consistently was current data entered? If
> we are sure it contains only the born/founded date, then I guess it could
> be simply transferred to the new system. But since you are asking the
> question, I guess you have doubts. I do. You could create a special
> "migration" relation and copy existing data to it. Users would have to
> delete those relations by transforming them into one of the "real"
> relations.

That's my fallback plan unless someone has a real answer to the question of 
consistency, and a clear notion of what's acceptable amounts of error. 
Obviously the only example I've provided thus far (Handel) is also one of the 
artists that would fail from setting it to birth location. However, in many 
cases within my own editing, I've seen people simply set no country at all if 
there's confusion, which would mean migrating to birth location would work 

I'm hoping this list has an idea how frequent the exceptions are. But if it 
doesn't I'll just keep the field and deprecate it, providing tools to migrate 
that location to more exact fields. There's only a couple hundred thousand in 
the DB, right? ;)

Ian McEwen <ianmcorvi...@ianmcorvidae.net> <ih...@hampshire.edu>
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