On 13 April 2013 00:09, lixobix <arjtap...@aol.com> wrote:

> Tom Crocker wrote
> > My point is that neither the definition of a mix or an edit needs to be
> > exclusive because we're defining recordings. Your general definition of
> an
> > edit was excellent, it just didn't need to be added to by way of
> excluding
> > mixes, because all that matters is that an edit or a mix (or something in
> > the middle that someone could choose to call either an edit or a mix) =
> > new
> > recording
> "A recording is a mix or an edit" sounds good. I presume the definition on
> the wiki will be changed as well.
I hope so. It's just LordSputnik said:

> --
> View this message in context:
> http://musicbrainz.1054305.n4.nabble.com/RFC-STYLE-208-New-Recordings-Guidelines-tp4651054p4651458.html
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