2013/4/30 lixobix <arjtap...@aol.com>

> You all seem to be OK with an audio track being a stored representation of
> sound. To me that makes no sense. It means any stored representation of
> sound is a recording. It that's the case, then everything else is in vain.
> "a recording is a set of one or more [stored representations of sound]"
> "a master is a stored representation of sound"
> Therefore:
> "a recording is a set of one or more [masters]"

Where did you find "a master is a stored representation of sound"? This
definition would not be correct IMO, there are many more elements to take
into account to define a master. A master is materialized as a stored
representation of sound, true, but there are lots of stored representation
of sound which are not masters. This would lead to the conclusion:"a
recording is a set of one or more [stored representations of sound], some
of which could be [masters]", which is precisely what we want to say.

Frederic Da Vitoria

Membre de l'April - « promouvoir et défendre le logiciel libre » -
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