Almost perfect IMO :-) The only drawback is that you are using the word
"entity", which will draw the reader into abstract technical
considerations. But maybe this is actually good, maybe some level of
technical understanding is a good thing :-/

2013/5/20 Ben Ockmore <>

> Ok, latest version here:
> "A recording is an entity in MusicBrainz which can be linked to tracks on
> releases. Each track must always be associated with a single recording, but
> a recording can be linked to any number of tracks.
> A recording represents distinct audio that has been used to produce at
> least one released track through copying or mastering. A recording itself
> is never produced solely through copying or mastering.
> Generally, the audio represented by a recording corresponds to the audio
> at a stage in the production process before any final mastering but after
> any editing or mixing."
> Mastering will be defined in
> as something very
> similar to:
> "Mastering is a process of preparing and transferring recorded audio to a
> master."
> Hope you like it!
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Frederic Da Vitoria

Membre de l'April - « promouvoir et défendre le logiciel libre » -
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