So if I 'hide' the recording to recording relationship entities as I have
for artist to recording and work to recording relationships?
On May 26, 2013 12:14 AM, "Frederic Da Vitoria" <> wrote:

> 2013/5/25 Tom Crocker <>
>> Well, maybe these diagrams would be a useful start for something for the
>> page. Neither mention masters but they're too complex.
>> One is about the database
>> One is (mainly) about the real world
>> On 25 May 2013 00:04, Frederic Da Vitoria <> wrote:
>>> 2013/5/24 Ben Ockmore <>
>>>> The picture isn't meant to represent anything about MusicBrainz or the
>>>> database, but I agree it could be interpreted that way.
>>>> Perhaps it doesn't actually need a diagram after all?
>>> As I already said, I really think a diagram is useful. Not for us
>>> because we know what we are speaking about, but for new users which will
>>> usually be struggling to understand how to use MB. Some people understand
>>> better words, others understand better schemas, so let's offer both if we
>>> can. But we can improve it. And also a diagram is not necessarily
>>> completely self-explanatory, adding a few words of explanations can be a
>>> good thing.
> Maybe not too complex, but too developer-oriented. I really believe we
> should design something which maps the real world to the UI. The physical
> model is not relevant for the end user. So it's OK To talk about Recordings
> or about Tracks because these appear as such in the UI. But for example I
> often talk about ARs, but I really shouldn't because ARs are a technical
> implementation, end users tend to think only in terms of producers,
> performers, engineers and so on.
> --
> Frederic Da Vitoria
> (davitof)
> Membre de l'April - « promouvoir et défendre le logiciel libre » -
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