2013/5/25 Tom Crocker <tomcrockerm...@gmail.com>

> Well, maybe these diagrams would be a useful start for something for the
> page. Neither mention masters but they're too complex.
> One is about the database
> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/39561993/MBz/recording-class.jpg
> One is (mainly) about the real world
> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/39561993/MBz/rec-activity.jpg
> On 25 May 2013 00:04, Frederic Da Vitoria <davito...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> 2013/5/24 Ben Ockmore <ben.s...@gmail.com>
>>> The picture isn't meant to represent anything about MusicBrainz or the
>>> database, but I agree it could be interpreted that way.
>>> Perhaps it doesn't actually need a diagram after all?
>> As I already said, I really think a diagram is useful. Not for us because
>> we know what we are speaking about, but for new users which will usually be
>> struggling to understand how to use MB. Some people understand better
>> words, others understand better schemas, so let's offer both if we can. But
>> we can improve it. And also a diagram is not necessarily completely
>> self-explanatory, adding a few words of explanations can be a good thing.
Maybe not too complex, but too developer-oriented. I really believe we
should design something which maps the real world to the UI. The physical
model is not relevant for the end user. So it's OK To talk about Recordings
or about Tracks because these appear as such in the UI. But for example I
often talk about ARs, but I really shouldn't because ARs are a technical
implementation, end users tend to think only in terms of producers,
performers, engineers and so on.

Frederic Da Vitoria

Membre de l'April - « promouvoir et défendre le logiciel libre » -
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