That was a pattern I was noticing, and it had made me wonder if there might
simply be less categorization of such terms in French


The one Erato disc I have to hand just credits someone in English only as
“Sound Engineer”, and my one CD on the K617 label gives no technical credits
at all as far as I can see beyond “avec le soin de” in a context that might
or might not imply the person was doing the actual recording and/or


Brant Gibbard
Toronto, ON <>  



[] On Behalf Of
Frederic Da Vitoria
Sent: January-27-14 12:27 PM
To: MusicBrainz Style Discussion
Subject: Re: [mb-style] RFC [STYLE-290] Add Balance engineer


2014-01-27 Brant Gibbard <
<> >

On checking some more of my European label CDs


I find I have two Archiv CDs that credit a particular engineer twice on the
same CD, once as “Tonmeister (Balance Engineer)” and once as “Recording
Engineer”, so clearly they regard those as distinct roles (although DG


On an EMI recording I have someone credited as “Tonmeister / Balance
Engineer/ Ingénieur du son”


Brant Gibbard
Toronto, ON <>  



<> ] On Behalf Of
Brant Gibbard
Sent: January-27-14 11:46 AM

To: 'MusicBrainz Style Discussion'
Subject: Re: [mb-style] RFC [STYLE-290] Add Balance engineer



Not meaning to be a wet blanket, but I’ve just managed to located one of my
CDs (Deutsche Gramophon) that does translate Tonmeister into other
languages. The results are most unfortunate!


Before the name of the engineer being credited is this quadrilingual


“Tonmeister / Recording Engineer / Ingénieur du son / Ingegnere del suono”


Thus two of the four language versions use something reminiscent of Sound
Engineer, which of course is a completely distinct MB term, and another uses
Recording Engineer, again a distinct MB term.


regarding French translations, we frenchies are rather poor regarding sound
matters: AFAIK in France one can only be "ingénieur du son", or use foreign
words :-) IMO the fact that everything translates to "Ingénieur du son" does
not mean only "engineer" should be used in MB.

Frederic Da Vitoria

Membre de l'April - « promouvoir et défendre le logiciel libre » -

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