2014-01-27 Nicolás Tamargo de Eguren <reosare...@gmail.com>

> On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 6:51 PM, Frederic Da Vitoria 
> <davito...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> 2014-01-27 Brant Gibbard <bgibb...@ca.inter.net>
>> Not meaning to be a wet blanket, but I’ve just managed to located one of
>>> my CDs (Deutsche Gramophon) that does translate Tonmeister into other
>>> languages. The results are most unfortunate!
>>> Before the name of the engineer being credited is this quadrilingual
>>> statement:
>>> “Tonmeister / Recording Engineer / Ingénieur du son / Ingegnere del
>>> suono”
>>> Thus two of the four language versions use something reminiscent of
>>> Sound Engineer, which of course is a completely distinct MB term, and
>>> another uses Recording Engineer, again a distinct MB term.
>>> Brant Gibbard
>>> Toronto, ON
>>> http://bgibbard.ca
>>> *From:* musicbrainz-style-boun...@lists.musicbrainz.org [mailto:
>>> musicbrainz-style-boun...@lists.musicbrainz.org] *On Behalf Of *Frederic
>>> Da Vitoria
>>> *Sent:* January-27-14 11:24 AM
>>> *To:* MusicBrainz Style Discussion
>>> *Subject:* Re: [mb-style] RFC [STYLE-290] Add Balance engineer
>>> relationshiptype
>>> 2014-01-27 ListMyCDs <musicbra...@listmycds.com>
>>> On 27.1.2014 18:05, Frederic Da Vitoria wrote:
>>> > This RFC is to add Balance engineer to the Engineer relationship types.
>>> > Balance engineers are often named in classical releases and just
>>> > entering them as "engineer" seems to be losing valuable information.
>>> +1 for this RFC.
>>> I forgot to give a link to the wiki:
>>> http://wiki.musicbrainz.org/User:DavitoF/Balance_engineer_AR
>>> The link sentences were copied from
>>> http://wiki.musicbrainz.org/User:DavitoF/Balance_engineer_AR . I'd feel
>>> more comfortable if someone who knows English better than me would check
>>> them.
>>> Also note that the original RFC separated balance engineer from
>>> Tonmeister. I suggest that MB does not need this distinction, especially
>>> since many releases seem to consider those as equivalent.
>> I suppose this could happen with other engineering types. This means
>> we'll have to take this type of situation into account. I suggest something
>> like: "In case of conflicting engineering types, prefer the one of the
>> original release language, usually the first language in the order of
>> translations".
> Wouldn't "In case of conflicting engineering types, use just 'engineer'"
> make more sense?

Yes probably. I edited the wiki accordingly.

Frederic Da Vitoria

Membre de l'April - « promouvoir et défendre le logiciel libre » -
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