Forwarding this along - was sent just to me.

Well, maybe people won't care about the party shuffle thingy - just thought
it'd be a good idea to look out for new users.  Of course, I'm sure that if
we implemented it ourselves, we'd come up with something better, but sounds
like we don't need to worry about it anytime soon.

As for the advocation of special treatment for the play queue, I'd say...
deal with the generic thing for now.  Perhaps in the future there could be a
meta-command on top of it that's essentially an alias for a sequence of
sub-playlist commands, but can't deal with that until the feature is
implemented.  At some point I made a minor modification (moving a range of
songs) to playlist.c/queue.c and that was plenty to realize that a
significant new feature is going to be highly nontrivial, so let's put first
things first.  Just have to make sure it can support whatever specifics
people want to do with it.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Matt Wheeler <>
Date: Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 11:26 AM
Subject: Re: [Musicpd-dev-team] mpd features - 'play library' and 'play
To: Jeffrey Middleton <>

2009/6/5 Jeffrey Middleton <>:


 I'm largely thinking of this because of a feature I remember from iTunes.
> I
> expect that there are a decent number of people out there who like me
> haven't used Linux their whole life (or are using mpd on OSX) and have used
> iTunes before.  iTunes had a "party shuffle" feature that would show you
> the
> next n songs it's planning to play (and m previous - a sort of delayed
> consume).  You could then add to, remove from, or rearrange that list.
> Basically you had access to the random queue.

Actually I feel that iTunes' party shuffle mode is a somewhat broken
implementation, It's completely useless at an actual party.

If it's currently using the regular shuffle mode, and someone chooses to
"play next in party shuffle" it will switch to party shuffle mode, and skip
the current track, and if it's in party shuffle mode and someone double
clicks a track to play it now, it goes back to regular shuffle mode after
that track.
So you get a lot of skipped tracks, when everyone really just wanted "my
song next".

It only really works if just one person uses the computer, in my experience.
It is overkill for a feature that could be much simpler (i.e. the way that
Rhythmbox and Banshee both do it)

 I'm not trying to make a feature request here, just pointing out something
> to keep in mind whenever this feature is implemented.  I know there would
> be
> a lot of difficulties in giving clients access to the queue of a playlist.

 On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 6:33 AM, Max Kellermann <> wrote:


 Create sub-playlist with "queued songs" ("consume mode" enabled),
>> insert it before the "shuffled playlist", move "current song" before
>> "queued songs".  Agree, this is a complex operation, but it's only as
>> complex as the user's wish.
I don't agree that it's only as complex as the user's wish, it's only as
complex as the programmer decides to make it.
Would you be prepared to reconsider the inclusion of a play queue special
case if I could show there was support for such a feature from users? Of the
~10 people I have spoken to so far about this ~8 have expressed interest in
such a feature (haven't kept an exact tally).

 > That is what I meant, if the queue is implemented just as a special
>> > playlist, then old unmaintained clients will continue to work, and
>> > support the queue, the client doesn't need to know it is special
>> > (nested playlists may break old clients as well, but users aren't
>> > forced to nest playlists anyway).
>> With nested/chained playlists, you could serve only the current/first
>> "sub-playlist" to clients calling "old-style" playlist manipulation
>> commands.  Only clients which speak "new-style" commands would see the
>> big picture.
Agreed that that is the most sensible way of addressing that issue.


Matt Wheeler

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