On 2010/02/24 15:13, Sameer Naik <sameer.subscripti...@damagehead.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using mpd-0.15.8-1.fc12.i686 installed via rpms on an fedora 12 machine.
> Most of my music collection is in the .m4a format (encoded in iTunes)
> and tagged using the picard tagger.

What kind of m4a is this?  ALAC or AAC?

Can you send me a demo file, please?

> It appears that mpd is reading the "Composer" tag in the tag as the
> "Artist". For example, for a particular file the tag reads :
> http://web6.twitpic.com/img/68993695-66bb9631dd0dbc57b0139cc8a6d9bd61.4b8530b5-scaled.png
> (screenshot of amarok displaying the file info)
> for the same file, the mpd.db database entry reads :
> http://web1.twitpic.com/img/68994723-504bd2387c4e9f92352779623126d1b9.4b8531ed-full.png

Empty page on these URLs.

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