Max Kellermann writes:
 > On 2013/11/04 19:02, wrote:
 > > I wanted to separate the commit that modified existing mpd files from the
 > > commits that added new code.
 > I don't follow this argument.  Adding a new source code file and
 > registering it in belongs together, that's an operation
 > that cannot be splitted.
 > Only when you require modifications to other parts of MPD as
 > preparation for your feature, then this must be a separate commit.
 > For example, when you need one more parameter/method in an existing
 > API declaration or function prototype, or when you add another generic
 > utility library.

Point taken, I should not have done the modification in this
commit, but in the one which added the files.

 > > I wonder if you will actually want to keep this commit history
 > > anyway. Maybe the best approach will be to wait for a reasonably stable
 > > version (to be decided), decide if you want this at all, add the code in a
 > > single modification, and then switch to regular maintenance/modification
 > > commits. 
 > Tell me when you feel it should be merged, and then I'll review the
 > branch you cleaned up.  It's somewhat cumbersome to review this branch
 > in the current form.  Hint: learn about stgit.


This said, at this point in the evolution of the still very young plugin:

 - I think that it is more useful to look at the code than at the
   commits. I am mostly using git as a backup tool for now. In really new
   code like this, it is not so interesting to look at the history, it's
   too chaotic. I've already dumped a good part of it.

 - If nobody is interested in actually trying out the function (as seems to
   be the case), the merge won't be a concern :)


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