On Tue, Mar 09, 1999, Martin Julian DeMello ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said:
| A friend and I have been trying to write a macro to edit mails in place
| (i.e. pipe a mail to your editor of choice, edit and save it back to the
| same folder, marking the original D).
| The macro to date is
| macro index \ce "s/tmp/_f\ny!vim /tmp/_f && cat /tmp/_f \
|             >>$HOME/Mail/inbox\n!/bin/rm -f /tmp/_f\n"
| macro pager \ce "s/tmp/_f\ny!vim /tmp/_f && cat /tmp/_f \
|             >>$HOME/Mail/inbox\n!/bin/rm -f /tmp/_f\n"
| Is there any way to get the current active folder into a variable (to
| replace "inbox")?

I dunno the answer to your question, just offhand, but cat'ing a file/
message to any mailbox that can receive incoming mail, WITHOUT properly
LOCKING it, is an accident just waiting to happen.  Don't be surprised
when your mailbox gets destroyed.  Caveat emptor ...!

FWIW, my 0.88.14 version of mutt doesn't have it, and I presume your
0.91 version of mutt doesn't either, but I do believe that there are
more recent versions that have the ability to edit a mailbox file built
into mutt already.  Someone correct me if I've misinterpreted some of
the msgs that I've seen posted ...


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