On Wed, Apr 28, 1999 at 08:54:27AM -0700, Russell Van Tassell wrote:
> Stupid question:  how the heck do I "unlimit" a limit command?
> Normally, I tend to like to limit message down to a certain pattern
> and view <just> those messages (to make sure I've gotten it right) and
> then perform a specific operation on all of those messages (eg. save
> them to a file or folder after I've read through them); with Mutt,
> this is about the last "serious" thing I've not figured out... at
> least, not figured out how to "undo" the limit once I don't need it
> anymore (I've been using a new limit based on a date sometime in the
> future to get my folder back, if you know what I mean... (*smirk*)).
> Suggestions?  (I know, probably a stupid question, but this is almost
> brainless with Pine -- I assume it has to be just about as difficult,
> here).

You can use any of these patterns at the limit command to effectively
unlimit again:

or any pattern which matches no message at all.


P.S.: this should probably be mentioned in the handbook somewhere. Or is
it already ? 
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