On Wed, Apr 28, 1999 at 06:46:49PM +0200, Stefan `Sec` Zehl wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 28, 1999 at 08:54:27AM -0700, Russell Van Tassell wrote:
> > 
> > Stupid question:  how the heck do I "unlimit" a limit command?
> >  [...]
> You can use any of these patterns at the limit command to effectively
> unlimit again:
> 'all'
> '~A'
> '.'
> or any pattern which matches no message at all.

...much 'gras.

>  [...]
> P.S.: this should probably be mentioned in the handbook somewhere. Or is
> it already ? 

I didn't see it anytime I looked -- though that doesn't mean it's not there,
only that it wasn't obvious to at least me.  (then again, there's quite a bit
of what I would consider "normal usage" that seems exempted from the online

> -- 
> Failure is not an option. It comes bundled with your Microsoft product.

  *grin*  (Can I quote you?)

Russell M. Van Tassell

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