David Thorburn-Gundlach [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> ...and then Jeremy Blosser said...
> % 
> % Support was added to the CVS version last week.  See the dev list archives
> % for more details.
> Where are you guys finding 6.5.1 for *NIX?  I can only find the Windoze
> version...  I would love to be able to build and poke at 6.5.1 but
> haven't seen anything in source since 5.0i...

http://www.pgpi.org/ has 6.5.1 Linux binaries, and they're working on
getting the source together.  I don't know if anywhere else already has
source; I'm sticking with 5.0 right now.

Jeremy Blosser   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   http://jblosser.firinn.org/
"Would you fight to the death, for that which you love?
                   In a cause surely hopeless ...for that which you love?"
                                             -- D. McKiernan, _Dragondoom_

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