Shao Zhang [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
>       It seems that a lot of people don't like how mutt treats the PGP
>       signature as an attachment.
>       I know there is a macro to work around this. But is there better
>       way to handle this??

The best way to handle this is to educate people as to why the old way is
bad and push them to push the people who make their MUA to fix it.

>       I got this mail from the debian mailing list.

This guy's problem sounds like not realizing that he can use procmail to
fix his incoming mails for Mutt.

> > > I've looked into mutt but it seems as if PGP support can only
> > > automatically verify messages that have a mime part
> > > application/pgp-signature. It cannot handle signatures that are (like
> > > this one) embedded in the mail text (please correct me if I'm
> > > wrong).

Jeremy Blosser   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
"Would you fight to the death, for that which you love?
                   In a cause surely hopeless ...for that which you love?"
                                             -- D. McKiernan, _Dragondoom_

PGP signature

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