On 1999-08-09 12:43:07 -0700, rex wrote:

> I don't mind -- too much -- having to spend a couple of hours
> reading enough about procmail 

A couple of hours?  In doc/pgp-notes.txt, there is a recipe readily
available for cut & paste.

> to get it working, because it's a useful program for other things
> as well, but now I've got to mess around and waste more of my time
> so I can send the old PGP format. Yes, it's probably simple, but
> the same thing can be said for the hundreds of "simple"
> configurations one must do to get a Linux system running smoothly.

I'd really suggest you try reading the documentation provided with

More specifically, doc/pgp-notes.txt has an example macro which can
be used to generate "old-style" PGP signed messages. Changing it to
do encryption is straigth-forward, though this won't be as simple to
use as PGP/MIME encryption.

BTW, personally I'm using this to generate old-style PGP encrypted

                macro   compose "\ee"   "Fpgp -eatf "

(Yes, I do send such messages sometimes, but only to a very special
recipient who has the specific joy of using Lotus Notes. ;-) 

> On a related note, does anyone have Mutt seamlessly working with
> remailer traffic?

You mean messages you receive through nym servers?  We don't have a
handler for this so far, so you'll have to use premail, or hack a
new handler for this.

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