Been having problems with 0.95.7i.  I discovered -Z last night...after
defining all my mailboxes from procmail, plus ! to start with.

Now....I could see it saying that /var/spool/mail/fairlite had no new
mail...maybe irc does something when it checks my mailbox.  BUT...  -Z
should -not- tell me there's no new mail in any of my mailboxes when I have
two freshly generated mailboxes with a new message each in them, should it?

Or does the fact that I have them removed when the last message is deleted
(and therefore the creation occurs on the first message being put in) alter
the way -Z works?  Because -nothing- else is looking at them...just
procmail writing in deliveries.

Comments, advice?  I love the feature, I just wish it wasn't being flaky on
me as it seems to's not just the -Z part either...the status line
doesn't do the Inc:# either, even though there's blatantly a message
arrived.  I'm thinking something is throwing time calculation, but what, if
nothing is looking at the folders?  Only thing I can think of is that
they're created with the first message, and the only time it worked was
when I had subsequent messages?  Again, comments and advice appreciated.

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