On Sat, Oct 23, 1999 at 09:42:21PM +0100, Chris Green wrote:
> > > support. Currently you can find the README and BUGS files there.
> > 
> > http://www.kublai.com/~brendan/mutt/imap.html
> > 
> > Sorry about that - I'm worse with URLs than patches...
> > 
> Excellent, thanks very much, just what I needed.  Get ready to receive
> all sorts of odd complaints and bug reports!  :-)
Er, however....

* Tab-completion of IMAP folder names
It works too, at my first try of using it.

* Folder browsing
How do I actually do this?  If I enter the IMAP server name I just get
my inbox, I also get my inbox when I enter {mailandnews.co.uk}/, in
fact I seem to get the inbox whatever I do.

* Go-fast stripes
* Postponed-message support
* Server-side copy
What does this mean?  Does it mean I can copy/move messages to another
IMAP folder on the server?  If so, how?

* Fast sync
* Secure login (GSSAPI and CRAM-MD5)
Worked forst time with CRAM-MD5 for me, mutt was the first program to
tell me the server had this!

* More and better segfaults
Hey, I just got one of those!  :-)   I entered '{}' in response to the
'Chdir to:' prompt and mutt expired.

* Attach messages from IMAP folders
* Use an IMAP path as your Maildir (set folder='')
* Preserve message keywords
* Preserve deleted messages if you don't choose to expunge them

  WWW: http://www.isbd.co.uk/

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