On Tue, Dec 14, 1999 at 02:39:23PM +0000, Sean Rima mentioned:
> Hi David!
> On Tue, 14 Dec 1999, David T-G wrote:
> > Sean --
> > 
> > If I understand you correctly, you want replies to email sent to your
> > yifan account to come from your softhome account, but mutt currently sets
> > your from address as yifan when it sees that the email was sent there.
> > 
> > If that's correct, then I believe you want to unset "use_from", and you
> > might also want to specify a "my_hdr From" command to force a particular
> > address.
> > 
> > 
> No the other way around. If a mail comes in addressed to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], I want Mutt to set the reply as coming from
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] Currently it sets all mail to From:

 I've in my .muttrc:

send-hook . my_hdr reply-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
send-hook . my_hdr From: John P. Looney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
send-hook ilug my_hdr From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
send-hook ilug my_hdr Reply-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
send-hook [EMAIL PROTECTED] my_hdr From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
send-hook compapp.dcu.ie my_hdr reply-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
send-hook compapp.dcu.ie my_hdr From: John P. Looney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
send-hook online.ie my_hdr From: John P. Looney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
send-hook online.ie my_hdr Reply-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I've loads more, but you get the idea...


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