On Thu, May 18, 2000 at 06:42:37PM +0530, Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:
> Antoine Martin proclaimed on mutt-users that: 
> >> Procmail is better for this imho.  Set up a dummy account on your local
> >> box, which has a procmailrc set to return an autoack to the sender -
> >> bounce it to that account with some keybinding, say.
> >> 
> >> [rube goldberg solution, sort of]
> >Yes I could do it with procmail, but it is not what I meant :
> >procmail can notify that I've received the mail, but can't notify
> >that I've *read* it.
> That is what I said - I will spell it out a bit better :)
> 1. You receive mail and read it
> 2. Your .muttrc has a line - unignore Disposition-Notificiation-To,
> Return-Receipt-To
> 3. You read the mail and then bounce it to a dummy account on your box
> (assuming you have root privileges and can add users, that is) :)
> 4. A .procmailrc on that dummy account has an autoresponder which will
> respond to the original sender "Hi, I've read your message, I'll get back
> to you ASAP".
> got it?

Yes thank you, I understand better now, I just have to do a macro that bounce
to that dummy user, but I'm not root, so I need another solution :(


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