On Thu, May 18, 2000 at 05:13:10PM -0500, Larry P. Schrof wrote:
> Mutt version:
> Mutt 1.0.1i (2000-01-18)
> Is this a bug?
> ==============
> generic binding seems to be broke. Am I doing something wrong?
> bind generic j previous-entry
> bind generic k next-entry
> bind index j noop
> bind index k noop
> When I hit 'k' or 'j' in the index, it gives me a "Key is not bound."
> error.  Yet, when I go to the binding listing screen (by hitting '?'),
> 'j' and 'k' show up in the generic bindings section as bound to the
> functions I assigned.
If you add 'generic' bindings they very rarely (if ever) seem to work,
it's something that has always been like this.  I think maybe there
should be a note in the manual about it to say that 'generic' is really
only used to indicate that some built-in bindings apply everywhere and
is not a binding type to be used in the muttrc file.

Or maybe it's possible to fix it?

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