On Wed Aug 30, 2000 at 07:32:35AM +0000, Jim Breton wrote:

> > I'm calling qmail like this:
> > 
> > set sendmail="/var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject"
> Hmm.. I'm not sure where all that stuff is coming from... but (someone
> correct me if I'm wrong) I don't believe you can use the typical
> sendmail command syntax with qmail-inject.  In fact, DJB provides the
> /var/qmail/bin/sendmail binary (it wraps qmail-inject IIRC) for exactly
> this purpose.
> So you will want to use that as your "sendmail" setting for mutt.  Or,
> make a symlink to it into /usr/sbin/sendmail and use that.

You shouldn't need to do this.  I know because I've used qmail-inject
on the wife's machine (which uses qmail) and it works fine.  We just
have a few configuration differences, (ie. I passed the -f on her
config cuz she only uses one email address).

> > I'm specifying the Return-Path: header in every message that goes out. 
> > I would use qmail-inject -f except that I write from about 3-4
> > different email accounts and I need to be able to send from each one
> > (which I use macros to setup).
> I also filter my mail into different folders, and then use folder-hooks
> in my .muttrc to change the From address, Return-Path, etc... just
> another way to do the same thing.  :)

Gotta love mutt's flexibility... =)

> > I also have a problem delivering to my Maildirs.  I use procmail and
> > have my .qmail look like this:
> > 
> > | preline /usr/bin/procmail
> > 
> > procmail works awesome... it filters everything like it used to, but it
> > still delivers to /var/spool/mail/vdanen.  I need it to deliver to
> > ~/Maildir/ or (at the very least) to ~/mail/inbox because I also use my
> I haven't used procmail or Mutt with Maildirs yet (still using regular
> mboxes for now) but mine was also trying to deliver to /v/s/m/ until I
> defined $DEFAULT in my .procmailrc.
> DEFAULT=$HOME/Maildir/
> may do the trick.  The procmail that comes with Debian supports
> Maildirs, I'm going to take a wild guess ;) that you're using Mandrake
> and that it also will deliver to Maildirs... I'm not sure how the code
> works, but I think it looks for the existence of the tmp new and cur
> subdirs so make sure they exist if it is supposed to work and still
> doesn't.

I added 


at the end of the config and it works awesome now.  But I imagine that
setting DEFAULT may accomplish the same thing.

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