Is it possible to run two external programs to run with mutt.  I am already running 
the "Shift Q" to query an external perl script which queries an Ldap Server....Is this 

How do I bind another stroke key to query another external Program !!


On Tue, Oct 03, 2000 at 09:42:55PM +0200, Roland Rosenfeld wrote:
> On Tue, 03 Oct 2000, Adahma wrote:
> > I've not seen abook before, but it's very nice.  Is there a way to
> > integrate it closely with mutt, such as if I hit <tab> when
> > addressing a mail, it would send me there and allow me to select and
> > pull addresses back into mutt.
> Have a look at the query feature of mutt (chapter "4.5. External
> Address Queries" in the mutt manual).  You should try something like
>  set query_command="abook --mutt-query '%s'"
> Then you can use Ctrl-q (like TAB) to expand a query string to the
> addressbook entry.
> Alternatively you can use abook as a backend of lbdb (see lbdb
> documentation for more information about this).
> > And if I hit 'a' to add an alias, it would add to abook, rather than
> > my mutt alias file.
> Don't know, whether this is possible (never used abook myself), but it
> shouldn't be hard to write a little script which appends the address
> to ~/.abook.addressbook.  Maybe this could be based on mail2muttalias
> (
> Tschoeeee
>         Roland
> -- 
---end quoted text---

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