Lars Hecking wrote:

> > Is it possible to mark a message as Important or Urgent, so that the
> > receiver notices this.
> > I know this is common for other clients (Importance: or X-Priority:).
> > It is of course possible to add this manually, but shouldn't this be an
> > standard mail client feature? Or this not depreciated?
>  I don't think there's a standard way of doing, or even a standard used
>  by MUAs. Unless M$ introduced another one through the backdoor ...
>  Some MUAs (elm, I think) provide support for a Precedence: header, but
>  this header does something very different: it allows to tweak the
>  priority of messages (= sort order) in sendmail's queue. The algorithm
>  behind that is described in the Sendmail Installation and Operation Guide.

it's different to "Important" but very closely related to "Urgent" :)

> rfc2076: 3.9 Quality information
>    Can be "normal", "urgent" or "non-   Priority:      RFC 1327, not for
>    urgent" and can influence                           general usage.
>    transmission speed and delivery.
>    Sometimes used as a priority         Precedence:    Non-standard,
>    value which can influence                           controversial,
>    transmission speed and delivery.                    discouraged.
>    Common values are "bulk" and
>    "first-class". Other uses is to
>    control automatic replies and to
>    control return-of-content
>    facilities, and to stop mailing
>    list loops.
> Palme                        Informational                     [Page 13]
> RFC 2076                Internet Message Headers           February 1997
>    A hint from the originator to the    Importance:    RFC 1327 and
>    recipients about how important a                    RFC 1911,
>    message is. Values: High, normal                    experimental
>    or low. Not used to control
>    transmission speed.
>    How sensitive it is to disclose      Sensitivity:   RFC 1327 and
>    this message to other people than                   RFC 1911,
>    the specified recipients. Values:                   experimental
>    Personal, private, company
>    confidential. The absence of this
>    header in messages gatewayed from
>    X.400 indicates that the message
>    is not sensitive.
>    Body parts are missing.              Incomplete-    RFC 1327, not for
>                                         Copy:          general usage.

looks like "Importance:" is valid.


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