On Tue, Nov 14, 2000 at 01:45:10AM +0200, Mikko Hänninen wrote:
> This is because Mutt doesn't update the folder modification/access times
> according to whether the folder still has new mail in it (or not).
> For mbox folders, the N appears in the folder listing if (and only if)
> the modification time for the file is newer than the access time.
> After you've entered a folder with Mutt, even if you don't touch the
> contents in any way (read any messages or anything), the access time
> will be updated.  And if you do change something in the folder, once
> it's written to the disk the modification and access times will be
> set to the same time, and the folder will not be considered to contain
> any new mail (regardless of individual message states inside).
> This issue has come up before, and I have some vague memories about a
> patch that would set the file access time to 1 second before the file
> modification time when an mbox folder was exited, if it contained new
> mails.  But I'm not sure if that's just me imagining things, or not.

Here's a good reason to use maildir's.

Do the following:
unset mark_old

and use maildir's and you'll get the behavior you desire.


Maslow's Maxim:  If the only tool you have is a hammer,
you treat everything like a nail.

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