On Mon, Mar 12, 2001 at 01:25:00PM +1100, Jeff Turner wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there any way to configure mutt to send mail through a non-local SMTP
> server?
> Yes, I've read the FAQ entry saying "this ain't mutt's job", but.. all mutt
> does is send mail to *some* SMTP server. Why must that be localhost:25, instead
> of anotherhost:25? I'm not asking mutt to do the job of a MTA; I just want it to
> talk to the MTA of my choice.
> I'd appreciate it if someone could explain the error in my thinking. 
> thanks,
> --Jeff

I just went round and round with this one as a recent convert to mutt.  I had been 
using KMail which has it's own setup, and seems to not use sendmail.  I got the POP3 
working in mutt because it's part of the setup. The SMPT server is not.  I pointed 
mutt at sendmail, it worked locally (bozo to root, etc) but not on the Internet via my 
modem.  If this sounds like your story, check the setup of your sendmail, specifically 
DNS.  The number is supplied by your ISP in the format of 987.654.32.1  Now I'm a 
happy camper except for PGP, my next post.


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