Good news.  I left sendmail up using the procmail config, and all mail
that came to me between roughly 3:30 and 9:00 this morning went to
/dev/null for some reason.  I think it is the user+detail@server
format I use for mail sorting. Usually deliver handles that.
I also noticed something odd in the procmail.log file.

The trap is calling cyrus deliver with a missing parameter.
In the /etc/procmailrc file I call it like this:

TRAP="/usr/cyrus/bin/deliver -e -m $2 -- $1"

and sendmail calls it like this (with the old settings)

deliver -e -m $h -- $u
and calls procmail like this:
procmail -Y -m /etc/procmailrc $u $h

So it looks like it should be ok.  Anyone know what $h is supposed to

Once again, sorry for taking this discussion so far off topic.


On 06/15/01 03:26 AM, Louis LeBlanc sat at the `puter and typed:
> Hmm.  I am using 3.14, but I am not using maildir.  I am using imap.
> Either way, like I said, procmail works fine if the 'Lines' header
> recipe is commented out.  Here is what I find in the ~/.procmail.log:
> procmail: [3167] Fri Jun 15 02:58:30 2001
> procmail: Match on ! "^Lines:"
> procmail: Score:      -1      -1 ""
> procmail: Score:      30      29 "^.*$"
> procmail: Locking "/home/leblanc/.procmail.lock"
> procmail: Executing "/usr/bin/formail,-A,Lines: 29"
> procmail: Unlocking "/home/leblanc/.procmail.lock"
> procmail: Assigning "EXITCODE="
> procmail: Assigning "TRAP=/usr/cyrus/bin/deliver -e -m  -- leblanc"
> procmail: Assigning "HOST=acadia"
> procmail: Locking "/var/spool/mail/leblanc.lock"
> procmail: Error while writing to "/var/spool/mail/_fx,WIbK7.acadia"
> procmail: Lock failure on "/var/spool/mail/leblanc.lock"
> procmail: Assigning "LASTFOLDER=/var/spool/mail/leblanc"
> procmail: Opening "/var/spool/mail/leblanc"
> procmail: Error while writing to "/var/spool/mail/leblanc"
> From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Fri Jun 15 02:58:30 2001
>  Subject: test
>   Folder: **Bounced**                             0
> procmail: Executing "/usr/cyrus/bin/deliver,-e,-m,--,leblanc"
> leblanc: Message contains invalid header 
> This is wierd.  What is /var/spool/mail/leblanc supposed to be?  I am
> using cyrus imap, and all mail is stored in a separate mail partition.
> Is there something else I am missing here?
> I apologise for taking this thread so far off topic, but
> is currently unavailable.  I have no other
> resources handy.  Perhaps this weekend I can do a search if nobody can
> give me the answer by then.
> Thanks again!
> Lou

Louis LeBlanc
Fully Funded Hobbyist, KeySlapper Extrordinaire :)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                ԿԬ

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