On Thu, 19. Jul 2001 um 09:18:24AM -0700, Dominique Pelle wrote:
> I had the same problem: ls and vim had colors but mutt
> did not. Changing the TERM env did not help.

Changing the TERM env helps for me, I just don't like it.
But maybe it's the only way.
I was simply wondering why it works in SuSE without changing the TERM
variable. But maybe they compiled it with slang, too.

> I rebuilt mutt with slang lib (instead of curses) and
> everything worked fine.
> Use 'configure --with-slang=dir' to tell configure
> where to find slang lib.

Thx a lot, but I'm building an lfs-system and up to this point no other
program needs slang. So I'll stay away from installing slang as long as


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