Collin --

...and then Collin Peters said...
% Are there any out there?  I can't find any on freshmeat.  What I'm
% looking for is something that will display all my mailboxes (or groups
% of them) with a new/total display.  I have gkrellm setup with the
% mailboxes plugin in X but I would like something for the console so I
% can monitor my mail from an ssh session

Check the archives over the past four to six months; this has come
up in reference to mutt's "folders with new mail" display and others'
interpretation of what that should mean, and IIRC some scripts, either
standalone or perhaps intended as plugins, were posted.

Note that I have found, from recent discussion, that gkrellm (and perhaps
other new mail programs) improperly handle new and old-but-unread messages
(which many folks might consider new, though mutt correctly doesn't,
but which may fit within the design spec of gkrellm's "counting unread
messages" purpose) in Maildirs.

% Collin


David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
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