On Wed, 31 Oct 2001, Daniel Farnsworth Teichert wrote:

> When I was first messing around with Mutt I had similar
> troubles when trying to use a regular old xterm. It
> seems like I found that setting the environment variable
> TERM to color_xterm instead of just xterm made it work.
> Calling xterm with the -tn color_xterm flag has a similar
> effect, I think.

color_xterm is similar to xterm-color, and both are incorrect for XFree86
xterm and rxvt (ditto Eterm and aterm, konsole and gnome-terminal).

to see this, use infocmp to compare their terminfo entries.

>   --Daniel
> On Wed, Oct 31, 2001 at 06:02:17PM +0000, John J Kearney wrote:
> > please can sombody tell me how to enable colors in mutt
> >
> > i have a color xterm and vim has colors in it
> >
> > what must i do for mutt ot work here also
> >


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