On Fri, Dec 07, 2001 at 08:37:17PM -0200, Cleber S. Mori stood up and spoke:

> I don't know if there is a option for that, but I believe not.
> On the other hand, mutt is GNU, wich is verry important to me, and is TOTALY
> configurable, and I can make it work the way I want.

Configurability is actually always the most important thing for me. I don't
want any canned software that works the way the vendor / programmers
want(s) to. I want something that can be configured the way I want it to
work, and then I can even modify at a source code level, should the need
arise. After all, I want my computer to work the way *I* want to, and not
the way some software company or other people thing it should work. Mutt is
great in that context: I fiddled around with my .muttrc until I thought
"perfect" ;-)


Nils Holland
Ti Systems - FreeBSD in Tiddische, Germany
http://www.tisys.org * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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