On Sun, Dec 02, 2001 at 02:20:25PM, Will Yardley wrote:
> as others have mentioned, this is most likely a filesystem limitation,
> and not a problem with Maildir. would i be correct in assuming you're
> using ext2fs? i have some of the same problems, but my mail is
nope, reiserfs.

> (unfortunately) on a linux machine.  i would bet that if i were able to
> switch our office mailserver to freebsd with ffs / soft-updates that
> performance would improve a lot. once one of the newer filesystems
> becomes more robust and failsafe i would also expect improved
> performance.
> Maildir is also better for POP3 / imap servers since it doesn't
> necessarily have to stat an entire file just to find what it's looking
> for. this results in a much lower load on the server if you have a lot
> of POP / IMAP users.
it doesn't stat a entire file but a entire dir, isn't ?

> this is really easy.  just add a trailing slash after the folder name.
> ie:
> foo
> becomes
> foo/
> procmail will take care of the rest.   you should also remove the
> lockfile since Maildir doesn't need it., so:
last question.
Could I change my:
find $HOME/mail -type f -print | grep -Ev '(outbox|trash|spam)' | sort 
 | xargs

> William Yardley
---end quoted text---



> J'aimerais savoir quels sont les différences majeurs entre FreeBSD, 
> OpenBSD et NetBSD ?
man diff
   -- Unknown

°v°  Benjamin Michotte        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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