Charles --

...and then Charles Jie said...
% Hi,
% I'm trying to substitute Mutt with Mozilla.
% One important porting work is dealing with the multiple accounts I keep,
% especially the mailing list.

Piece of cake with mutt.

% * But I found the flow of incoming mail dropping down. vim mailing list
% sent me a message telling me my mail is bouncing.

That certainly doesn't sound like it has anything to do with mutt, which
simply reads mail that has arrived.

% On 12/28 and 29, I received about 20 mails from mutt-users. But 12/30 I
% had no more than 5. It also happened to [EMAIL PROTECTED], dropping from
% 20-30 down to 4. (But my testing mail all survived.)
% (My MTA is postfix (on Mandrake 8.1). Mutt is 1.3.24i. procmail 3.21.)
% I wonder whether the following files (copied from 'man procmail') have
% anything wrong. Help, please.

You'd probably get better results from a procmail users' mailing list,
but I'll try..

% * My ~/.forward:
% "|IFS=' '&&p=/usr/bin/procmail&&test -f $p&&exec $p -Yf-||exit 75 #jie"
% (Could anybody help explain:
%     1. Why IFS=' ' checking?
%     2. Why the options -Yf- in "exec $p -Yf-"?
%     3. Why exit 75?
% )

These are all in the manual pages for procmail (probably procmailrc and
procmailex, but #2 is in the main procmail page).  From my recollection:

  - ensuring that the input field separator is set to space instead of to
    whatever it might have been reset

  - -Y means ignore Content-Length: headers; -f mean update (create if
    necessary) the ^From_ line

  - 75 tells your MTA to requeue and attempt delivery again later

% * My ~/.procmailrc:
% MAILDIR=$HOME/Mail        #you'd better make sure it exists
% #DEFAULT=$MAILDIR/mbox            #completely optional
% LOGFILE=$MAILDIR/proc.log   #recommended

You should probably set VERBOSE=yes as well aso that you get more
information in your $MAILDIR/proc.log

% :0:
% * ^(To|CC|From): .*mutt-users
% mbox.mutt
% :0:
% * ^(To|CC|From): .*[EMAIL PROTECTED]
% mbox.vim
% :0:
% * ^Subject: .*Fwd?:
% mbox.fw
% :0
% * ^Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
% mbox.spam

Since you don't bounce any messages in these rules and I'll assume that
you've checked these folders to see if they collect mail, I'd say procmail
looks fine.  What happens if you rename your .forward file and take
procmail out of the loop for a try, though?

% If I can not handle multiple accounts well with mutt, I may need to go

It ain't mutt that's your problem; I'd say that it's your [Local or] Mail
Delivery Agent.

% back to Mozilla or Netscape, which are so heavy.

They are, indeed.

% Thank you in advance,
% charlie
% --
% Charles Jie (???K??)               Keya Technologies (?}??????)
% (O) +886 2 2936 0813               (Mobile) 0920 397 746

HTH & HAND & Happy Holidays to all

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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