Thank you very much, David.

I like Mutt's configurability and think it's the best MUA of
programmers, isn't it?

I don't think the missing of mail is Mutt's fault, either. What I
suspect is procmail, which I found hard to understand it in short term.
I place my question in mutt-users@ (sorry :-) because I think it's
inevitable for Mutt users to use procmail to the FILTER function
like that available in Outlook or Netscape. And mutt users should
have similar situation/consideration to mime. :)

I'm happy my procmail setting is fine. I'll put it back and watch on.
Thank you very much.

Q: Is it possible to query Mutt server for a listing of posting for one
day so that I can collate it with those mail I got? How?

best regards,

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