On  8-Jan-2002 10:55 Justin R. Miller wrote:
| I don't know about you, but I'd like to have a final confirmation of
| whose key I'm encrypting with before I send a message.  For my close
| friends, I have a send-hook set up (to encrypt) and that searches for
| their key(s), but never prompts me.  All of the others will prompt, and
| I think this is usually because the key(s) have more than one UID
| associated with them.  I'm not sure how selecting a different UID on the
| same key would make a difference, though...

    Still, it's a common complaint that pgp-hook makes more work for
    anyone that uses it.  Although the documentation would suggest
    otherwise, pgp-hook only provides a hint about the key to use and
    doesn't actually select a key at all.  I don't think anyone finds
    this behaviour intuitive, making it undesirable.

    My patch (optionally) eliminates this behaviour and it also does
    the key selection too (optionally), but only if there is only one
    matching key.  Keys with more than one UID are considered one key,
    but the UIDs are not ignored for the purposes of matching.  If the
    key has not been signed, then the standard behaviour of selecting
    from a list is used.

    Whatever you might be doing, this is probably easier:
        set pgp_confirmhook=no
        send-hook . set pgp_autoselectkey=no
        pgp-hook <friend> ...
        send-hook <friend> set pgp_autoselectkey=yes

    I think the behaviour when pgp_autoselectkey is always set is
    still reasonable (for most people).

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