Hi, I'm new to mutt and mutt-users and have been spending the
afternoon configuring mutt the way I want it, but there's a
couple things I can't figure out how to do and was wondering if
anyone here could help me.

1) Save deleted messages to a folder instead of deleting them
permanently.  I found a patch to do this here:
but I'd really rather not recompile mutt.  I figure I could do it
be remapping the 'd' key to save the message to a folder or
something, but I have no idea how I would do that.  Any ideas?

2) When mutt quits, it asks, "Move read messages to
/home/mgumbel/mbox? ([n]/y):" but I don't want it to ask that.  I
just want it to leave the messages in my inbox.  How do I make it
do that?



Computer Engineering student at the University of Illinois
UNIX sysadmin for Calculus and Mathematica at the University of Illinois

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