On 11:35 30 Jan 2002, Mauro Bardini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| I'm in trouble tryng to use mutt-prcmail to manage my attach files, I'm
| using this piece of figuration in my procmailrc
| :0cbhHB:
| | metamail -q -w -x
| to save tha attach file separately. all is working well, but the name of the
| output file of metamail (the attach file I want to use) seems a random
| sequence of letter. In the man page of metamail I read: 
| -w 
| This option tells metamail that instead of consulting a mailcap file to
| decide how to display the data, it should simply decode each part and write
| it to a file in its raw (possibly binary) format. Depending on the
| circumstances in which it is called, metamail may derive the file name to
| use from the message headers, by asking the user, or by generating a unique
| temporary file name.
| But i'd like to have my attach file with the original name, If someone send
| me the XYZ.gif file I would like to rescue in my $MAILDIR/attach/$DATE
| directory looking for the name "XYZ.gif"

I'm just using munpack, with no arguments and it seems to generate
sensibly named files.

If fact, I use this script wrapper:


and thus:

        | mailunpack topic

which makes a subdir (in case of filename collisions) and optionally calls
a filing script to do things with the unpacked files.

Works quite well for some things.
Cameron Simpson, DoD#743        [EMAIL PROTECTED]    http://www.zip.com.au/~cs/

"Gosh, that's the 3rd motorcycle that's passed us. Sure do take their life in
 their hands, what with the weather and all."
"Yes Janet, life's pretty cheap to that type."

Audience:   YEAH THAT TYPE!!!!!!

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