On Fri, Nov 16, 2001 at 02:33:07PM -0500, Bela Bartok wrote:
> Hi, i thought my mail problems was solved, but i was wrong, i realize 
> that mutt use pop3 protocol to recive my emails (execellent) but it DOES 
> use my local sendmail, please, I am looking for a email client that ONLY 
> uses imap or pop3 for sending and reciving, like netscape or mozilla 
> mail but that can be execute without X-windows.
> I dont like to use my local sendmail!!!, i have an "offline" machine, i 
> just want to connect to internet, on console, execute a program, fetch 
> email , read and send mail using ONLY pop3 or imap, is that posible on a 
> modem unix like os such as freebsd ? is posible to set up mutt in order 
> to use only pop3 or imap for sending and reciving? this is the realation 
> i want:
> console                   X-windows
> nestcape                    lynx
> wordperfect                vi/ee/pico
> netscape-mail       what goes here?????????HELP!
> please, I want a person that solve my mail problems,
> thanks alot


I read your other e-mails. If I understand correctly, you want a 
simple e-mail client that will handle fetching, reading, writing,
and sending e-mail, and can be set up and configured with a minimum 
of difficulty on FreeBSD.

If I am correct about what you want, then mutt is the wrong choice. 
I installed my first Unix-like system (FreeBSD) about six months 
ago, and getting information on mutt and configuring it was very
frustrating. People who have previous experience configuring MUAs 
on Unix probably find mutt easier to configure than I did. Any 
software that isn't automatically configured for you by the 
package or port is going to be harder to configure on FreeBSD than 
a similar app would be on Windows. 

I think Pine will do what you want, but I'm not sure. I use mutt 
and I've never tried installing Pine on FreeBSD. I don't know if it
is available in the packages that come with FreeBSD. I saw that 
pine4 is in my ports collection. If you don't have FreeBSD 4.4, 
then you will probably want to update your ports before running 

I use ssmtp to move mail from mutt to my ISP's smtp server. It 
offers very little functionality, aside from moving mail when I 
hit the 'y' key in mutt. If that's all you need, then you will find 
ssmtp in the ports collection for FreeBSD. 

Good luck in your efforts, whatever MUA you decide to use.

Bob Hall
Know thyself? Absurd direction!
Bubbles bear no introspection.        -Khushhal Khan Khatak

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