At 03:00 -0500 03 Mar 2002, Josh Kuperman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I set my aliases file with "set alias_file=~/.mailaliases" in my
> .muttrc. If I create an aliase while using mutt, that aliases is added
> to the enf of the .mailaliases file and immediately becoms useable. If
> I exit out of mutt and start mutt again I have no aliases.

The aliases setting only tells mutt where it should add any new aliases
you ask it to create.  To get mutt to read aliases from there you need
to source the file.

source ~/.mailaliases

Aaron Schrab     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 [Coca-Cola] isn't great, but it's better than religion.
 At least Coke gives you something.  -- Penn Jillette

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