Josh --

...and then Josh Kuperman said...
% On Sun, Mar 03, 2002 at 03:00:12AM -0500, Josh Kuperman wrote:
% > I installed mutt on my MacOS X (using the fink package version) and it
% > works fine except for the aliases. I tried different shells (tcsh is
% > the default shell, bash is available so I tried it, as well as sh)
% > with no luck.
% Let me be clearer -- I read the FAQ before I posted. 

Good for you :-)

% Typing 
% source ~/.mailaiases 

Not to be persnickity, but did you put a colon first so that you put mutt
into command mode?

When you load your aliases file, just like sourcing any other mutt config
file, what sort of output do you get?  Anything?

% does nothing. At leaset when typed on the command line it does nothing
% to make the aliases available. It may produce some error message
% depending on which shell I'm using; I was trying different shells
% because source is a shell command and that the problem might have been
% the shell I was using.

No, not at the shell command line; do this within mutt (see the colon
part above).

% I suspect this has to do with Mac OS X or the Mac OS X port. I've used
% mutt on other systems (RedHat Linux) with no problems with aliases,
% set up in exactly the same way.

SO you have a

  source ~/.mailaliases

(assuming you actually spelled it correctly on your filesystem) line in
your muttrc file?


David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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