* John Buttery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [03-05-02 10:25] crowed:
> report back if it works?
>   I uploaded my key to certserver.pgp.com.  I've also successfully
> retrieved my key from this server.  Is this one not "in the rotation"?
> Is there some other server I should be using?  I have successfully
> retrieved (almost) everyone else's key from that server as well.  Would
> you mind querying that server directly and see if you get the key?
> gpg --verbose --keyserver certserver.pgp.com --recv-keys 587F0CD702368857 
>   This is what I get when I run that command:
> % gpg --verbose --keyserver certserver.pgp.com --recv-keys 587F0CD702368857
> gpg: requesting key 02368857 from certserver.pgp.com ...
> gpg: armor header: Version: PGPsdk 2.0.1 Copyright (C) 2000 Networks
> Associates Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.
> gpg: pub  1024D/02368857 2002-02-06   John Buttery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> gpg: key 02368857: not changed
> gpg: Total number processed: 1
> gpg:              unchanged: 1
> %

I also cannot retrieve your key:

pat@wahoo:~> gpg --verbose --keyserver certserver.pgp.com --recv-keys \
gpg: requesting key 02368857 from certserver.pgp.com ...
gpg: can't get key from keyserver: eof

Pat Shanahan               Registered Linux User #207535
                    Registered at: http://counter.li.org

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