* John Buttery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-03-05 09:24 -0600]:
>   This is really odd; you're not the first person to say this, but I
> _did_ upload it to a keyserver, not only that but I have successfully
> retrieved it as well.
>   I uploaded my key to certserver.pgp.com.

It looks like that server is not in the main group of servers at
wwwkeys.pgp.net, nor does it sync with them.

Not that the main keyservers always sync with each other in a timely
fashion.  Hence, a small script a friend of mine wrote and I modified.
It's called recv-keys; you can find a copy at


It's pretty simple.  It'll just consult all of the keyservers that I know
of and attempt to get the key for each of them.  (And you can rename or
link it to 'send-keys' and it'll do the reverse.)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] / DNRC / UMBC-LUG: http://lug.umbc.edu
PGP:  ID: D8C75CF5  print: 0A7D B3AD 2D10 1099  7649 AB64 04C2 05A6
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"I swear you must think you're some kind of god."
"God, root, what is difference?"
                       -- User Friendly
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