On 11-Mar-02 at 13:15, Lorin Winchester's inspired musing was thus :
> One user (one of the Outlook/AOL bunch)
> said that it's just too much work to have to manually enter the address of
> the poster he wishes to reply to directly, so he complains and sends private
> replies to the list.  It's been some time since I've used a MUA other than
> Mutt, so really don't understand this.

Too much work? Even in Outlook Express, you can copy-paste or do a Reply to
All and then delete the list address. Some people are just not with it, never
will be.

> Confusion on my part.  I guess I remembered being able to subscribe to the
> list from http://www.mutt.org and figured that it was a Mailman interface.

Didn't you use some other reason just a few minutes ago? ;-)

|-Simon White               # GIMPS current unit progress: 36.54% #-|
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